Why House Demolition May Not Be as Simple as You First Thought

Have you bought some property on a valuable piece of land, complete with a 'killer' view? You may have been looking for a suitable place for some time, and while you would have preferred to buy a piece of virgin land, you're quite happy to demolish the existing structure so that you can build afresh on the right spot. The current house is in a state of disrepair, and it would be far simpler for you to get rid of it all, rather than spending time on renovation. Yet, did you know that you need to consider a lot of different aspects before you can proceed, all of which will be regulated by a specific planning permit?


While there are different rules in various jurisdictions, you need to ensure that you conform with safety regulations before any kind of demolition. If the building is classified as historic, then you'll need even more paperwork and formal consent before you can proceed with the demolition work. You may need clearance from the National Trust in addition to the specific planning requirements laid down by your local council.

Uncovered Asbestos

You have to ensure that the building is safe from an asbestos perspective and work in line with rules laid down by the government. Planners will insist that you handle any asbestos found carefully, and you will probably need to bring in a certified removalist.

Demolition Action

Many areas have to be demolished manually, although some elements can be removed mechanically. Nevertheless, particular care will need to be exhibited when taking down any individual brick walls and any part of the structure that is near a public thoroughfare. The council may require you to bring in an appointed structural engineer in this case.


Remember, you will need to get in touch with various utility companies and other authorities to ensure that everything is switched off and isolated before work can begin.

Removing Trees

Lastly, remember that there are rules pertaining to trees and vegetation on your site. You may have to get specific clearance if you have an individual tree with a very large trunk, for example.

Getting Advice

Before you make plans with demolition experts and other contractors, make sure that you will be able to get planning permission first. It pays to talk with an experienced consultant so that you avoid unnecessary delay and waste. Contact a professional in your area to learn more about the necessary planning permits.
